Master Vim from your browser.

Practice with interactive lessons and exercises to become a 10x developer in no time.

Start Learning!

Delete line 1 with dd, and press i to write hello world!

Become a true Vim Ninja.

Instantly enhance your developer experience with our browser-based, interactive course. Don't resort to following poor video or text-based tutorials: use Vim as you learn it.

Write code, faster

No more clicking through menus or struggling with clumsy keyboard shortcuts – with Vim Ninja, you'll be a coding speed demon in no time. Try our online course today, and start writing code faster than you ever thought possible.

No setup required

Skip the frustration of setting up a new tool before even learning it. Start learning Vim right from your web browser with no setup required on your local machine, and gain the ability to practice Vim on any device you own.

Pay once, use forever

Gain lifetime access to the full Vim Ninja course with a single payment. No subscriptions or hidden fees: just pay once and use forever.

Buy the full course!

  • 16 lessons across 4 units (more lessons coming soon!)
  • ~5 interactive exercises per lesson
  • Pay $10 once, use forever